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Project Leonardo Agropuzzle - Aim and partners of the project
Napsal RNDr. Milan Kubačka   
Pondělí, 24 leden 2011

The aim of the project Puzzle for businessmen in agriculture carrying business in a permanently maintainable way - Agropuzzle, is to create supplementary educational materials. In other words, to create a workbook, which will be used in specialist courses connected to management, rural tourism, services in agribusiness and English and German conversation. Another part of the project is the visit to UNESCO World Heritage Sites and introduciton to the system of Natura 2000 in a host country.

Partners involved in the project:

Stredná odborná škola poĺnohospodárstva na vidieku

ul. Na lúkách 18, Levice, Slovensko

Koordinátor: Ing. Hedviga Guľová


Masarykova střední škola zemědělská a Vyšší odborná škola Opava

Ul. Purkyňova 12

Opava 746 01, Česká republika

Koordinátor: Mgr. Radmila Šrajerová


Natura Opava, Edvarda Beneše 30, Opava 747 05 - Česká republika

Koordinátor: RNDr. Milan Kubačka


Epagelmatiki Sholi Prevezas, Skamnuola

Preveza 48 100 - Řecko

Koordinátor: Joannis Theofanous

Lycée d´Enseignement Dénéral et Technologique Agricole Auch

Beaulieu Lavacantul. Ul. Route de tarbes Auch 320 20 - Francie

Koordinátor: Franck Fouillet


Zespól Szkól, ul. Harcerska 81, 47-214 Poborszów - Polsko

Koordinátor: Slawomir Janiuk


Schedule of the "Puzzle for businessmen in agriculture" meeting:

October 2010 - Levice - Slovakia

April 2011 -Opava - Czech Republic

September 2011 - Preveza - Greece

November 2011 - Auch - France

February 2012 - meeting of coordinators - preparation of outcomes and a conference

April 2012 - Komorno - Poland

June 2012 " a conference " the final part of the project

Aktualizováno ( Pondělí, 25 listopad 2013 )
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