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Beekeeping and its Role in Countryside Ecology and Rural Development
Napsal Jakub Kubačka   
Pátek, 17 srpen 2018
Beekeeping and its Role in Countryside Ecology and Rural Development is supported by Erasmus+ in the program: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices 2017-1-CZ01-KA202-03555.
About project:
Albert Einstein said that mankind would survive four years after extinction of the bees. There are no crops without pollination; animals will die of hunger - and the people with them. The project called "Beekeeping and its Role in Countryside Ecology and Rural Development" is a project aimed to sharing experiences at the level of seven different organizations from five EU countries in which the organizations are more or less engaged in the field of beekeeping, education, countryside ecology and rural devepopment. Beekeeping is one of the oldest fields of human activities. The text is focused on breeding honeybees. The output products are honey, wax, propolis, pollen, beebread. Significant output of beekeeping activities is also pollination of plants. Beekeeping in the Czech Republic has mostly been done by small businesses as hobby as well as by the larger companies for the purpose of trading. Within Europe, the Czech Republic has the densest network of beekeepers in the EU. France, Romania and Bulgaria are the largest producers of honey within the European Union. Countries in Southern Europe are the greatest consumers of honey. In the developed countries of Europe, due to industrial environmental impact and due to introduction of bee parasite Varroa Destructor , beekeeping is the only tool that can keep bees in the open nature and protect the whole eco-system against collapse. Each EU country has a slightly different approach to beekeeping. They use different methods, treatments, wintering and feeding. Southern EU countries and island areas have the advantage of longer seasons; the environment is not affected by agricultural and forest chemicals, which will probably have a decisive impact on health of bee hives. Beekeeping with are meant as commodity which provides the people with livelihood and also major source of incomes in some areas. The project deals with the status of regional policy and development in relation to this topic. It deals with the ways of how institutions in individual countries support small farmers and beekeepers and how the non-profit and educational sector can get involved in the field of promoting this activity. It can subsequently influence both the issue of employment in a particular region and overall shape and character of the landscape or its attractiveness.

What are the specific objectives of the project?

1) The project results in arrangement of 4 mobilities in 4 countries of 7 organizations (in total 100 mobilities, including 27 student mobilities, 73 mobilities of pedagogues, mobilities of representatives of non-profit sector and then also those of people from practice sphere). All partners are actin in vocational training (education) in their region or provide vocational training to schools (as experts from bussinness practice).Goal is to combine theory and practice of teaching and local bussiness. Then demonstrate good practice and "know how", how to do business in beekeeping on organic way. The main idea of this point is cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices between different institutions devoted to the beekeeping in education.

2) In the whole time of the project duration, we will be working on educational material (5 issues of Magazine) which will be continue to be used for teaching subjects at schools and educational institutions. It will be written in English and in natin languages You can also download this materila in free PDF format. The material is to present results of comparison and offer examples of good practice. It can be used as a guide for turning a relatively neglected area, such as beekeeping, into the shape of a strategic issue for development of a region or in vacation trainnig. Working on this materil will be shared by experts from all the countries and involved organizations, including their assistants. Natura Opava will be a guarantor and editor of this.

3) Results of the project will be also presented all the informations and dissemination activities on the web and fb profile of the all institutions.

4) The project is also aimed to achieve wider integration of young people from partner countries via organizing this project. They will overcome language and social barriers. They will learn to communicate and solve situations in an international team. These aspects, including acquisition of professional knowledge, will provide the students with useful experiences for their future professional lives. Regarding teachers and professional assistants, it will make their methodology profiles wider and allow them to exchange experiences in an international team. Meetings with experts in the branch taught by the teachers will be stimulating; the teachers may get inspired for the purpose of their teaching activities conducted.

5) Based on implementation of local activities, the target group of the project shall become wider. There shall be workshops aimed to beekeeping.
All informations and outputs of the project you can find on project webside:
Aktualizováno ( Čtvrtek, 09 leden 2020 )
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