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PROJECT - Leonardo Agropuzzle "in english"
Napsal Jakub Kubačka   
Úterý, 13 březen 2012
PROJECT - Leonardo Agropuzzle "in english"
1. Mobility - Slovakia (reportage, outcomes)
2. Mobility - Czech (reportage, outcomes)
3. Mobility - Greece (reportage, outcomes)
4. Mobility - France (reportage, outcomes)
5. Mobility - Poland (reportage, outcomes)
Partners involved in the project
Products and PDF materials

The products of the project Agropuzzle in  Slovakia

Presentations about Natura 2000 in Skovakia:

CZ: Prezentace Natura 2000 na Slovensku

EN: Presentation Natura 2000 in Slovakia


CZ: Worksheets in Czech PDF

EN: Worksheets in English PDF


The products of the project Agropuzzle in  Czech Republic

Presentations about Natura 2000 in Czech Republic:

EN: Presentation Natura 2000 in Czech Republic 1/2

EN: Presentation Natura 2000 in Czech Republic 2/2


EN: Worksheets


The products of the project Agropuzzle in Greece

Presentations about Natura 2000 in Greece:

EN: Presentation Natura 2000 in Greece

Worksheets and activities of Natura Opava in Preveza region:

CZ: Příroda Řecka a Natura 2000 v Řecku

CZ: 10 zastavení v přírodě prevezské oblasti

EN: Nature of Greece and Natura 2000 in Greece

EN: 10 stops in the nature of preveza region


The products of the project Agropuzzle in Poland

Presentation about Sustainable development:

CZ: Prezentace Trvale udržitelný rozvoj - PDF

EN: Presentation Sustainable development - PDF


Aktualizováno ( Neděle, 18 prosinec 2016 )
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